Love that Face!

As always, she attempts to run our lives. When I pick her up from the dayhome or are doing something with her on the weekends, I constantly hear "where are we going next, Mom". Which brings me to another point, I am now no longer Mommy; that has already been shortened to Mom. In my opinion that is too soon, as it is just another sign that my "baby" is growing up.
In terms of the activities that lead to the question of "where are we going next" we spend quite a bit of time at the pool, at the libary, re-arranging the mattresses in our house for fun and games, are registered for Gymnastics which starts again next week, and are on a Soccer team which is set to start in May with coaching of her team provided by her Dad!

This winter we also have taken Carly skiing as much as we could. Would have liked to have taken her more, but with all of her activities and Daddy working on the weekends, we just couldn't get out any more than we did. She did love it though, and her favorite part by far was the trip on the "ride" (chairlift) up to the top of the "mountain" (aka Canada Olympic Park).
I am working on my time management and energy levels so that I can become better at updating this blog on a more frequent basis, so check back again soon for some more pictures.
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