Sunday, November 26, 2006
Oh Mommy...
My mommy forgot my gloves, so here I am wearing hers instead! Didn't quite fit, but at least they kept my hands warm.
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 10:01 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
I love my chicken outfit!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 9:58 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Halloween is Fun!
Wow, this Halloween thing is really cool! I get to visit all of my Mommy and Daddy's friends and they give me treats!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 9:55 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
An update on what Carly has been up to.
I just thought I would share some of the cute/funny stories about what Carly has been up to.
New Dayhome
She has now moved to a new dayhome, where we feel she is getting more stucture and fun built into her day than where she started out. She has been there for two weeks now, and really has adjusted well. Instead of sleeping in a playpen, she now sleeps on a mat on the floor and from what we are told is taking to that really well. So well in fact that when some of the older kids were signing and dancing around as it was getting close to her nap time, she started handing them their blankets to let them know that she was ready for a nap, and thus they should be too!
She also decided the other day, that she wanted to test out the other sleeping spots to ensure that she was getting the best deal, and when Carol tried to get her to move along, she waved the back of her hand to her as if to say "don't bother me now I am doing some important research".
One of the other little guys in the dayhome ("Magoo" as they affectionately call him) was on a time-out recently, and since Carly has never experienced this yet, she really sensed his sadness that she kept taking him toys to "help a brother out". Carol of course was not pleased with Carly impacting a time out, but had to laugh at her cuteness!
Favorite Things
We are going through a Teddy Bear phase right now, where when she is at home, she likes to walk around with all three of her Teddy Bear's in her arms. Now, although she does have some smaller sized stuffed animals, the larger ones tend to be the ones she tries to carry all at once. Every morning when she wakes up, she is shocked and excited to point out her Teddy Bears to Jamie and I. Althought, they have really been in the crib with her all night she just notices them again and again each morning like it was the most exciting discovery!
She also loves to pile things these days. She gathers up her favorite books, ducks, teddies and bottle (all of which she can now say), and piles them into her closet/armoire and tries to get into the closet with them. This sometimes involves some frustration as she will have a hard time standing up with all these items piled into such tight quarters!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 9:39 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Just because...
Mommy wanted to post these pictures because she realized that she has not been great at taking pictures of me in my dresses. She has warned me that she will start snapping more now.
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 9:32 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Oh, raking leaves can be so much fun!
Oh! Although I looked a bit surprised, I did have alot of fun helping Mommy and Daddy rake leaves in our backyard.
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 9:28 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
My First Ironman Finishline
Here I am crossing the finishline at Ironman Canada with my Daddy. Way to go Daddy, you are amazing!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 8:56 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Posing at the Finish Line
OK, so we both look a bit tired...but can you blame us? Daddy just finished an Ironman, and me...well I was cheering all day, and stayed up way past my bedtime to see my Daddy finish!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 8:52 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Oh I love my Daddy!
I love when my Daddy carries me around on his back. Especially when I can also hang onto my favorite cloth! Mommy keeps trying to get me to take to some other blankets, but I love my flannel!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 6:37 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
My Boyfriend!
My boyfriend, Matthew Dennis, and his parents (and dog Jess) came out to visit me! We had such a great time, and was nice to have someone else my size around.
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 6:35 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Friday, August 18, 2006
Ok, although we have yet to get a picture of this, I have to share Carly's newest discovery - her eyelashes!
About a month or so ago she discovered my eyelashes while we were sitting on our rocking chair. She was just staring very intently at me, and then with her "peter pointer" just reached up and tickled my eyelashes. Well now, she has discovered her own eyelashes. She will be playing, walking along, or just sitting in her car seat, and all of sudden she decides to tickle her eyelash! It is the cutest thing! The Dr. today commented on how long her eyelashes were so perhaps this is what started this, but who knows...
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 8:36 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Saturday, August 05, 2006
No Raspberries Here!
Mommy and I picked some Raspberries from our backyard today. I don't think she saw me sneak a few - what do you think?
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 7:24 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
My First Few Steps
Just showing off for Mommy with my new walking thing!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 7:23 p.m. 0 comments
Monday, July 10, 2006
My Birthday
Mommy distracted me, while Gavin placed this hat on my head as I am not a fan of hats right now! I had a great party, although a little overwhelming at time.
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 8:57 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Safety First!
Mommy and I bought Daddy the bike trailer for my chariot for Father's day, and I just love this new helmet I have that I thought I would just wear it for my car ride!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 6:49 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Ahh, short season.
Nana, just wanted to show you that despite thinning out a bit, I still have some rolls on my legs and chubby little cheeks on my face!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 8:05 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Swimming, Swimming
Oh, I love my swimming time. Especially this little hot tub that we go in to get nice and warm before hitting the showers!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 8:01 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Going for a Stroll
One of the rare moments where I am caught with my hat on! Don't like anything on my head for long these days.
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 7:55 p.m. 0 comments
Labels: Carly
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Looking Pretty

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With the warm weather we have been having lately, I have been able to wear some of my pretty summer outfits!
Posted by Cate Proudfoot at 8:12 p.m. 0 comments